Monster Gaming

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A Bunch Of Gamers

    Liang's Application


    Posts : 5
    Points : 4886
    Reputation : 0
    Join date : 2011-05-16

    Liang's Application Empty Liang's Application

    Post  Liang Sat May 21, 2011 12:44 pm

    Putting it down here as I can't post in Applications forum for some reason.

    Personal details

    Real Name: Liang Chen
    In-game Name: Liang Chen
    Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:25007674
    Age: 16

    Administration details

    Past Administration Duties: Was Admin on {JKS} PERP 2.0 server and my friend MIG's DarkRP server.
    Known Administration Mods: ULX, ASSmod and Evolve although I am a quick learner and can figure out how to use the other ones relatively quickly
    Administration knowledge: HIGH


    Why do you want to be an admin for MonsterGaming:

    I enjoy admining as it allows me to contribute to the MG community in a more active way. I have been an admin on past RP servers and have an extensive RP background spanning over 2 years on Garrys Mod. Before I discovered RP on Garry's Mod, I used to RP extensively in Second Life. By becoming either a moderator or an admin, I can prevent minges from destroying the Basewars server that I enjoy playing on and it will also help give me a different perspective by allowing me to admin from a "Non-RP" setting.

    Tell us in more detail of your background:
    Not much to say about this, used to play Second Life along with a variety of other games. Used to be part of the {JKS} gaming community and was an admin on their PERP server, joined 82nd AA (A DOD:S gaming community) for a short while before settling down with {MG}.


    Someone is cursing directly at someone else.

    A: Permanently ban the player without warning.

    B: Warn the player then ban them for a day.

    C: Warn them then wait to see if they do it again.

    Someone is spamming large props all over the map clearly trying to crash the server.

    A: Permanently ban them immediately.

    B: Ban them for a day then talk to a Game Manager for further instructions.

    C: Kick them then talk to a Game Manager for further instructions.

    Additional Questions
    Which Game do you want to administrate? (PLEASE PICK ONE)


    Who is the Owner of MonsterGaming?

    {MG} Ghostrider☣Zambeez

    Do you agree to remain active on the forums and servers and help MonsterGaming maintain a great atmosphere to all there server/server's.


      Current date/time is Thu Sep 19, 2024 5:21 am