Monster Gaming

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A Bunch Of Gamers

    Admin Application's Template

    Super Admin

    Posts : 6
    Points : 10004884
    Reputation : 0
    Join date : 2011-05-15

    Admin Application's Template Empty Admin Application's Template

    Post  Ghostrider Sun May 15, 2011 1:20 pm

    Becoming a qualified MonsterGaming administrator is a very challenging but rewarding volunteer job. If you think you’re up to it please fill out this form below. Once filled out please create a new thread for review.

    You must be a respected member or higher before being able to apply for admin on any MonsterGaming server.
    You also must be active on the forums and have an active part in the community.


    Personal details

    Real Name:
    In-game Name:
    Steam ID:

    Administration details

    Past Administration Duties:
    Known Administration Mods: ULX | Evolve | ASSmod | Source Mod | Exsto
    Administration knowledge: HIGH | MEDIUM | LOW


    Why do you want to be an admin for MonsterGaming

    Tell us in more detail of your background:


    Someone is cursing directly at someone else.

    A: Permanently ban the player without warning.

    B: Warn the player then ban them for a day.

    C: Warn them then wait to see if they do it again.

    Someone is spamming large props all over the map clearly trying to crash the server.

    A: Permanently ban them immediately.

    B: Ban them for a day then talk to a Game Manager for further instructions.

    C: Kick them then talk to a Game Manager for further instructions.

    Additional Questions
    Which Game do you want to administrate? (PLEASE PICK ONE)

    Who is the Owner of MonsterGaming?

    Do you agree to remain active on the forums and servers and help MonsterGaming maintain a great atmosphere to all there server/server's.

    YES | NO


    ADMINS are the ones who can vote
    These posts are not open to discussion other than admins
    Please do not ask how to answer these questions as they are there for YOU to answer

      Current date/time is Thu Sep 19, 2024 5:32 am